Death Lands

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Deadly Call
brizza 0 122 by brizza
Jul 31, 2007 15:52:15 GMT -5


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Death Lands
When you enter the lands, you will immediately have a hard time breathing. You will look around, and to your left will be an active volcano, billowing with smoke, which covers the dank sky. To your right is a shady forest, and a blood colored stream runs through it. You will also notice some grass below your feet. You begin to graze upon it, but the wind shifts, and a rancid stallion smell hits you. You look for the source, and find it standing upon a jagged cliff. You hear screams of pain, and then it hits you. You are on Annihilations land. You look up at him, but the blood bay is gone. You turn to flee, but he is blocking your path. Welcome to the Death Lands. you hear him say. And that is when your world goes black.

Lead Stallion: Annihilation
Lead Mare: None
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