River of Souls

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Claimence; A Ruler Of His Own
Angelness 0 162 by Angelness
Jul 31, 2007 22:58:43 GMT -5


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River of Souls
At the easternmost point of the newly formed land lies what could well be the downfall of many equines. A river runs through this flat plain, irrigating it well. Though it's more of shrubs than grass, making it plentiful of small prey, it's the river that makes this land deadly to live in. The river's current is so deathly fast beneath the calm surface that if you fell in, you'd literally get blown away. What's worse, the river empties out into the ocean, where the current carries you out far enough so that you are forever lost to the sea, doomed to drown or be eaten. The number of lives the river has claimed- let it be stumbling foals, careless equines, or those who were pushed in- is endless.
And watch your step, for when you drink from the river, you never know what's behind you...

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