Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Personalizer Applications

Want to become a personalizer? This is the place to do it.

Moderator: Santiago

4 8 Runaway Memories
by Silent Breeze
Jul 20, 2007 21:04:42 GMT -5
No New Posts Equine Requests

This is where you can come to request an image for an equine/horse.

Moderator: Santiago

1 1 Equine Request Form
by Santiago
Mar 24, 2007 22:19:54 GMT -5
No New Posts Canine & Feline Requests

This is where you can request a canine/dog picture or a feline/cat picture.

Moderator: Santiago

1 1 Canine/Feline Request Form
by Santiago
Mar 28, 2007 17:38:28 GMT -5
No New Posts Other Requests

Did I miss something? Feel free to make a request here.

Moderator: Santiago

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No New Posts Completed Requests//Pick-up

This is where completed requests are moved to. Also, requesters come here to pick up their image.

Moderator: Santiago

2 6
No New Posts Critiques & Freebies

This is where personalizers can get their critique from anyone on a picture that they may not be sure about. Also, sometimes personalizer create pics for no reason, so maybe you'll get lucky

Moderator: Santiago

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No New Posts Personalizer Bios

Here's where Personalizers can show off their awesome creations. Guests may not see these.

Moderator: Santiago

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Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Rules/Plot

It is highly recommended, and even required to read the rules and plot before you register.

Moderators: Santiago, Sad Song

2 2 Plot
by Santiago
Mar 21, 2007 21:29:46 GMT -5
No New Posts Unwanted Characters

These are characters where the member doesn't want to play his/her character anymore. If you will be joining, be sure to check here first to see if any come of interest to you.

Moderator: Santiago

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No New Posts Mares/Fillies

If you are interesting in joining as a mare or a filly, this is where you come to fill out your joining form. These are females only.

Moderator: Santiago

20 40 Tomorrow's Wish
by Cailyn
Aug 11, 2007 22:14:09 GMT -5
No New Posts Stallions/Colts/Geldings

This is where you come if you want to join as a stallion, colt or gelding. These are male horses.

Moderator: Santiago

12 24 Patches
by Santiago
Aug 12, 2007 23:06:05 GMT -5

Socialized Places

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Claiming Brook

This is the place where homeless mares come to get claimed by a stallion and invited to a herd.

Moderator: Santiago

8 40 Time has been Friendly
by dogzncatz55
Aug 9, 2007 19:52:15 GMT -5
No New Posts Foal Frolic

These are lost and motherless foals. They need a home. Don't keep them hidden in the dark bushes for too long.

Moderator: Santiago

2 10 What Happens When You Lose It All
by BB
Aug 7, 2007 7:33:02 GMT -5
No New Posts Stallion Beach

This is where lone stallions can come to find a position as beta in another herd. They are bachelors. No mares or foals allowed.

Moderator: Santiago

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No New Posts Breeding Balcony

This is where breeding is allowed. Please do not do any graphic breeding. Force breeding is allowed ONLY if both members agree with it.

Moderator: Santiago

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No New Posts Foaling Flowers

This is the only place where mares are allowed to give birth. Simply list the dam and sire's joining form. A staff member will create foal stats.

Moderator: Santiago

1 2 Foal
by Daydream
Aug 6, 2007 16:43:39 GMT -5
No New Posts Battle Field

This is where battles are won and lost. Beware here.

Moderator: Santiago

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Peaceful Places

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Sundown Sky

This is a place where anyone may come. But the only popular time of day is at sunset. Loves spend time with each other in a romantic way.

Moderator: Santiago

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No New Posts Freedom Falls

This place is a variety of waterfalls, big and small. Anyone may come here. It is a popular place for socializing and it can cool you off on a hot day.

Moderator: Santiago

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No New Posts Willow Tree

This is an old tree with carvings all over the trunk and branches. This isn't a socializing place, but instead a place to get away from the herd for a while and relax.

Moderator: Santiago

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No-Man's Land

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Loner's Lake

Loner's lake is a swampy and diseased lake for those who have no home. Fighting is allowed here.

Moderator: Santiago

1 2 Headstrong ~Open~
by dogzncatz55
Sept 22, 2007 20:04:51 GMT -5
No New Posts War-Struck Meadow

A previous war was fought in this meadow years ago. Many say this meadow is haunted with gunshots and soldier's souls. Beware here.

Moderator: Santiago

1 4 Lost
by Santiago
Jul 24, 2007 14:05:40 GMT -5
No New Posts Abandoned Stable

This is an old abandoned stable. A place where mostly darks hang around and creep out the lights who wander here. Stalls are all open and could be closed and locked easily. It is a dangerous place.

Moderator: Santiago

1 3 Watch me, Fall?
by wildestdream
Jul 28, 2007 15:02:35 GMT -5

Light Territories

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The Cimarron

The rolling hilils shape into large mountinans which dip down low to make grassy valleys. The trees sourround it and keep it safe from intruders as they enter the lands. The sun sets east and rises west which is odd but happens. The full moon cast a beautiful sparkle to the mountians.

Lead Stallion: Spirit
Lead Mare: None

Moderator: Santiago

2 9 Home
by dogzncatz55
Aug 7, 2007 8:41:41 GMT -5
No New Posts Light Terra #2

The first stallion to claim this land decides a name and description.

Lead Stallion: None
Lead Mare: None

Moderator: Santiago

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No New Posts Light Terra #3

The first stallion to claim this land decides a name and description.

Lead Stallion: None
Lead Mare: None

Moderator: Santiago

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No New Posts Light Terra #4

The first stallion to claim this land decides a name and description.

Lead Stallion: None
Lead Mare: None

Moderator: Santiago

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No New Posts Lilly Meadows

Lilly Meadows...A place of wonder. A thick fog hands over in some places, and others you'll see for a mile. A large amount of acerage holds the pond, which holds the name. It's covered in lillie's, seemingly floating on air. Mountains can be seen through mist in the distance, but watch out. If you try to obtain such courage as to get to them, you must cross a large river, and then the swamp it fills.

Lead Stallion: Ghost
Lead Mare: None

Moderator: Santiago

1 1 hauntingTHOUGHTS
by //Kitteh.
Jul 26, 2007 13:26:40 GMT -5

Neutral Territories

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Mount Kumuka

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.
Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.
The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy,
while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. This Place leaves you incredibly safe feeling along with the lead stallion's commitment to the herd and their safety. There is a nice large Forest that surrounds the Mountain along with a waterfall near the base. It has some of the most beautiful foliage during the spring and the winter's snow blankets are a wonderful sight.

Lead Stallion: Register to Win
Lead Mare: None

Moderator: Santiago

1 1 -->Claimance Ruled
by Daydream
Jul 19, 2007 22:51:33 GMT -5
No New Posts Hideaway Canyon

High canyon walls surround this valley protecting it from rough weather and unwanted guests. The only way to enter is a steep and narrow path down one of the canyon walls. There are open fields to fun and graze in, and forest to run to for shelter. There are even a few caves scattered about, with tunnels that run through the canyon walls. There is a waterfall, that empty's into a deep, clear pool, perfect for swiming and drinking, and there is shallow water where foals can play.

Lead Stallion: Certainly Rebellion
Lead Mare: None

Moderator: Santiago

2 2 His first
by dogzncatz55
Aug 9, 2007 19:57:10 GMT -5
No New Posts Neutral Terra #3

The first stallion to claim this land decides a name and description.

Lead Stallion: None
Lead Mare: None

Moderator: Santiago

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No New Posts Neutral Terra #4

The first stallion to claim this land decides a name and description.

Lead Stallion: None
Lead Mare: None

Moderator: Santiago

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Neutral Terra #5

The first stallion to claim this land decides a name and description.

Lead Stallion: None
Lead Mare: None

Moderator: Santiago

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Dark Territories

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts River of Souls

At the easternmost point of the newly formed land lies what could well be the downfall of many equines. A river runs through this flat plain, irrigating it well. Though it's more of shrubs than grass, making it plentiful of small prey, it's the river that makes this land deadly to live in. The river's current is so deathly fast beneath the calm surface that if you fell in, you'd literally get blown away. What's worse, the river empties out into the ocean, where the current carries you out far enough so that you are forever lost to the sea, doomed to drown or be eaten. The number of lives the river has claimed- let it be stumbling foals, careless equines, or those who were pushed in- is endless.
And watch your step, for when you drink from the river, you never know what's behind you...

Lead Stallion: Kiso
Lead Mare: None

Moderator: Santiago

1 1 Claimence; A Ruler Of His Own
by Angelness
Jul 31, 2007 22:58:43 GMT -5
No New Posts Forbidden Trench

Forbidden trench is one of the loneliest lands around Being Free. Only the true darks dare to enter the parts, especially with the thick fog that comes daily. You never know where you will step next, and it could be the trench. Many have perished in these parts and Abracadabra will be sure that intruders get what they deserve. Abra believes only a true wench of his liking will enjoy this forbidden place.

Lead Stallion: Abracadabra
Lead Mare: None

Moderator: Santiago

1 1 Claimence
by Santiago
Jul 19, 2007 12:42:22 GMT -5
No New Posts Dark Terra #3

The first stallion to claim this land decides a name and description.

Lead Stallion: None
Lead Mare: None

Moderator: Santiago

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Death Lands

When you enter the lands, you will immediately have a hard time breathing. You will look around, and to your left will be an active volcano, billowing with smoke, which covers the dank sky. To your right is a shady forest, and a blood colored stream runs through it. You will also notice some grass below your feet. You begin to graze upon it, but the wind shifts, and a rancid stallion smell hits you. You look for the source, and find it standing upon a jagged cliff. You hear screams of pain, and then it hits you. You are on Annihilations land. You look up at him, but the blood bay is gone. You turn to flee, but he is blocking your path. Welcome to the Death Lands. you hear him say. And that is when your world goes black.

Lead Stallion: Annihilation
Lead Mare: None

Moderator: Santiago

1 1 Deadly Call
by brizza
Jul 31, 2007 15:52:15 GMT -5
No New Posts Moonlight Shadows

One of the territories claimed by those dark at heart this land is filled with green grass and rivers that all lead back to one spot. In the very center of Moonlit Shadows lies a Waterfall, what is behind the veil of water almost none will never know other than the lead brute and his family. There is rumor to be a mystical place behind, a cave of sorts in which hold protection from the seasons. But no one other than the lead knows if there is truth to this or if it is simply a fairy tale. Don't be fooled by all of this though, fog surrounds every corner most of the time and during the winter everything id dead, you must be strong to survive here.

Lead Stallion: Dark Wishes
Lead Mare: None

Moderator: Santiago

1 2 [Ring] of .C. l a i m e n c e.
by la bala para mi valentino
Aug 12, 2007 15:01:25 GMT -5

The Afterlife

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Heaven

The peaceful place. The place where 'quines go after their death. A place where they will never again be hurt. They will spend the rest of their life here, waiting for their loved ones to join them.

Moderator: Santiago

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No New Posts Hell

The real place where darks will enjoy their time together. But, is it still a peaceful place for a dark? Is it really the place that darks have always dreamed about?

Moderator: Santiago

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Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Terrains

Stallions come here to try and steal a land from another stallion. The stallion can only have one terra and it must be for it's current alliance.

Moderator: Santiago

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No New Posts Stallions

Yes, mares may steal stallions. Isn't that a twist?! Same rules follow.

Moderator: Santiago

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No New Posts Mares

This is where stallions come, post a riddle, and wait three days in order to receive their prize. Mares.

Moderator: Santiago

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No New Posts Foals

Only mares may steal foals. Same rules apply.

Moderator: Santiago

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Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Chit Chattering

Come here to talk about pretty much anything with each other. Be sure to read the rules though. You have to follow them, even in OOC.

Moderator: Santiago

1 4 Fun & Addicting Games
by dogzncatz55
Jul 22, 2007 6:38:37 GMT -5
No New Posts RP Help

This is for those members who are kind of new to RPing. Ask any questions you want or suggest something to a certain member.

Moderator: Santiago

1 1 RP Dictionary
by Santiago
Apr 22, 2007 14:34:17 GMT -5
No New Posts Other Links

This is where registered members and guests can come to advertise. Be sure to read the advertising rules. I'm very strict on this. Also, affiliate with us!

Moderator: Santiago

3 3 Windsong Wolves
by ~:L*I*F*E:~
Aug 16, 2007 17:44:49 GMT -5
No New Posts Archives

These are all the old threads that aren't looked at or replied to anymore. Feel free to read them over if you want.

Moderator: Santiago

4 43 Pic For Bree
by Silent Breeze
Jul 21, 2007 15:23:34 GMT -5
No New Posts Q/S/C/A/Q


Moderator: Santiago

by dogzncatz55
Aug 12, 2007 20:21:04 GMT -5
No New Posts Polls

These are polls. You can create them or just vote. You're choice.

Moderator: Santiago

1 1 My Writer's Proboard
by dogzncatz55
Aug 6, 2007 14:30:24 GMT -5
No New Posts Forum Games

Create games or just participate in this occupying games.

Moderator: Santiago

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No New Posts Organized

You MUST reply to this. This is where you can list your characters and say where your character is located. It MUST be filled out.

Moderator: Santiago

2 3 Members' Characters
by BB
Aug 12, 2007 21:02:58 GMT -5
No New Posts Activity

Be sure to stay active. This is the place where you'll have to make sure all your characters are active along with you yourself.

Moderator: Santiago

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